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219 Maple Syrup
219 is an artisanal maple syrup produced locally and created in the ancient way of boiling sugar maple sap to a concentrated syrup consistency that becomes a pure, natural and nutritious sweetener. The Native peoples of North America straddling what is today's US/Canadian border, developed this tecnique centuries ago. 219 follows this tradition and it's complex and unique quality and character comes from tapping trees within an acre of organic land. As a child I used maple syrup on pancakes, oatmeal, cream of wheat, ice cream, etc. Now as an adult and bona fide foodie, I drizzle it over gorgonzola dolce on a thin slice of pear for an appetizer or as a base for cocktails and other refreshing non-alcoholic drinks--and many other replacements for sugar.
Health-wise maple syrup has many trace minerals that include: Zinc, Potassium, Manganese, Iron, and Calcium.
A Laborer works with the hands, a Craftsman with the hands and the head, and Artisan works with the hands, the head, and the heart.
219 is "Body and Soul Maple Syrup"
Vintners talk of "terroir" as to why their wines are so special. A distinctive microclimate: environmental factors that include soil, weather and distinct farming practices. The same holds true for artisanal maple syrup. Even the smallest commercial producers have thousands of trees from which they extract the slightly sweet and nutritious maple water, then heat to seven degrees above boiling to make syrup. Many are wonderful, but most lack the unique intense character that is present when harvested from fewer trees in close proximity. Those who taste 219, ask "have you added butter to this?" Absolutely not! It's a natural occurrence along with a nutty, sweet, and smokey lingering flavor profile. Try it and you won't be disappointed.
219 is produced in West Norwalk CT, a stone's throw from most of our customers and truly a locavore's delight!
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